Illustrations for the human rights magazine's cultural section
Part 2: Poetry, prose, and drawing
Grenzwertig, a magazine from Trier's Multicultural Centre, provides information and different perspectives on migration and human rights. In its cultural section, poems and prose are accompanied by my illustrations.
fig. 2:
For Dario Herold's "Fragen an die die noch wollen"
fig. 3
fig. 4
fig. 5:
For Peter Meyer's "Geh fischen, Junge!"
T.E.A.R.S. CrewQuick takes on the characters of's first role-play series.
KarlsmühleDrawings in varying styles for wine labels.
Money Money MoneyCash Cash Cash. — Work for a special issue of the Handelsblatt.
#checkdasmahl#checkdasmahl is a service that helps students discover food and health stuff—and eventually improve their canteens' menus.
Sexy Things 3Creating teaching material on Sexually Transmittable Infections