Karussell am Zuckerberg
A gallery, café, design-shop, theater, and stage for dozens of cultural events

The Off-Space called Carousel
In September 2009, after half a year of planning the thing with nine people, we went big and rented a former printing facility, renovated it, and installed a café.
The following four months were fully packed with cultural events, happenings, and sit-ins.

fig. 2
Styling the

fig. 3:
Well, yes, this is the logo
Apart from organizing exhibitions, I spent my days designing posters, flyers, handouts, banners, and our website, and printed some posters and flyers manually:

fig. 4:
November's poster

fig. 5a:

fig. 5b:
Program sheets

fig. 5c

fig. 5d:
The flyer table

fig. 5e:
The entrance

fig. 5f:

fig. 5g

fig. 5h

fig. 5i

fig. 6:
October's poster

fig. 7a:
The poster for the Klarkommen-Festival

fig. 7b

fig. 7c:
Klarkommen's flyer
Animations, too
Additionally, I did some animated shorts and short recaps of recent activities that were displayed randomly on our websites' landing page. (tbc)
RadarDesign of a poster and a booklet for the experimental play “Radar”
Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen#1: Courage.
The Star DiariesDesign and illustration of Stanisław Lem's "Dzienniki gwiazdowe"
Organic Farm Vang ViengHow I happened to paint new street signs for Vang Vieng's famous organic farm
TheaterUmrissWorks for/with the theatre collective